苹果的前首席设计官Jony Ive和OpenAI的现任首席执行官Sam Altman将合作成立一家新的AI公司,公司将会重点着力于AI硬件产品

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Jony Ive,这位英国设计师以其卓越的设计理念和对产品细节的极致追求而闻名。在苹果的近三十年职业生涯中,他不仅参与了iMac、iPod、iPhone等众多革命性产品的设计与开发,更是以其对用户体验的深刻理解,塑造了现代电子产品的设计语言。2019年离开苹果后,Ive创立了自己的设计公司LoveFrom,继续在设计界发挥其影响力。


Jony Ive, the British designer, is renowned for his outstanding design concepts and his relentless pursuit of product details. In his nearly thirty-year career at Apple, he has not only been involved in the design and development of many revolutionary products such as iMac, iPod, and iPhone but has also shaped the design language of modern electronic products with his profound understanding of user experience. After leaving Apple in 2019, Ive founded his own design company, LoveFrom, continuing to exert his influence in the design industry.

Tang Tan也是苹果公司的关键人物之一,曾担任产品设计副总裁的职位。在他的领导下,苹果的一些最重要的产品线,包括iPhone和Apple Watch,经历了重要的设计和开发阶段。

Tang Tan is also a key figure at Apple, having served as Vice President of Product Design. Under his leadership, some of Apple's most important product lines, including the iPhone and Apple Watch, have undergone significant design and development stages.

除了Tang Tan,还有近20位原苹果员工离职加入了Jony Ive的新公司,可见LoveFrom的实力绝对不一般。

In addition to Tang Tan, nearly 20 former Apple employees have left to join Jony Ive's new company, indicating that LoveFrom's strength is definitely extraordinary.

而Sam Altman,相信大家都了解很多了。正是由于ChatGPT的推出,推动了AI在全球范围内的广泛应用。在我看来,即使现在,OpenAI仍然是AI界的领头羊之一。

And Sam Altman, I believe many of you are familiar with. It is thanks to the introduction of ChatGPT that AI has been widely applied globally. In my view, even now, OpenAI remains one of the leaders in the field of AI.



Regarding the AI hardware product collaboration between the two, there is still no more specific information. However, Altman has admitted that they will not consider making a smartphone, but may explore a new form of hardware and interaction.


So what other devices could it be? At the moment, we can only speculate based on the hardware fields that the two are currently or previously involved in.

Ive在苹果公司时基本主导了很多产品的设计,但是在排除了手机之后,剩下的比如什么电脑、平板这些是不太可能了,那就只剩下一个Apple Watch,因为这个也是苹果目前唯一的可穿戴设备。

Ive basically led the design of many products at Apple, but after ruling out the phone, what's left is unlikely to be things like computers or tablets, leaving only the Apple Watch, as it is currently the only wearable device from Apple.

再来看一下Altman,他投资的科技公司Humane在去年推出了其首款可穿戴设备Ai Pin(没有屏幕的智能设备,将显示的内容直接投到你的手掌上,感兴趣的小伙伴可以多了解一下)。还有,这个公司的创立者是一对夫妇,他们之前也是任职于苹果公司。你就说这巧不巧!

Now, let's look at Altman. The tech company Humane, in which he invested, launched its first wearable device, Ai Pin, last year (a smart device without a screen that directly projects displayed content onto your palm, interested friends can learn more about it). Moreover, the founders of this company are a couple who previously worked at Apple. Isn't that a coincidence!


With the above information in mind, we can draw the following conclusions: First, it definitely won't be a phone (the phone market is already too saturated); second, it's also unlikely to be computers, tablets, and such devices.


Think about what's hot in the market right now, it's definitely smart home devices and wearable devices.


Although there are already many products in these two categories on the market, they still lack that little something, that is, they are not intelligent enough. But now it's different, the rapid advancement of AI technology in recent years has brought new expectations to this market.


Some time ago, the tool that could turn your phone into a smart device was already a hit. Just imagine, when a product truly appears that integrates OpenAI's technology with Apple's design philosophy, it will definitely be a historic moment.


So this product is most likely to appear in one of the two aforementioned fields.


这次Jony Ive和Sam Altman的合作基本上是板上钉钉,对于我们来说,剩下的就是期待这款将AI技术与设计美学完美结合的作品了,让我们拭目以待,看看这对梦幻组合将如何定义AI硬件的未来。

This collaboration between Jony Ive and Sam Altman is basically set in stone. For us, all that's left is to look forward to this product that will perfectly combine AI technology with design aesthetics. Let's wait and see how this dream team will define the future of AI hardware.


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