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OpenAI 手牌:GPT-5,和在训的新模型(GPT-6?)


7分钟前,OpenAI 发了条推





原话:OpenAI has recently begun training its next frontier model and we anticipate the resulting systems to bring us to the next level of capabilities on our path to AGI



负责完善 OpenAI 的流程和安全措施


Today, the OpenAI Board formed a Safety and Security Committee led by directors Bret Taylor (Chair), Adam D’Angelo, Nicole Seligman, and Sam Altman (CEO). This committee will be responsible for making recommendations to the full Board on critical safety and security decisions for OpenAI projects and operations.

今天,OpenAI 董事会成立了一个由董事 Bret Taylor(主席)、Adam D’Angelo、Nicole Seligman 和首席执行官 Sam Altman 领导的安全委员会。该委员会将负责向董事会提出关于 OpenAI 项目和运营的关键安全决策建议。

OpenAI has recently begun training its next frontier model and we anticipate the resulting systems to bring us to the next level of capabilities on our path to AGI. While we are proud to build and release models that are industry-leading on both capabilities and safety, we welcome a robust debate at this important moment.

OpenAI 最近开始训练其下一代前沿模型,我们预计这些系统将使我们在通向通用人工智能的道路上达到新的能力水平。虽然我们为构建和发布在能力和安全性方面都处于行业领先地位的模型感到自豪,但我们欢迎在这个重要时刻进行深入讨论。

A first task of the Safety and Security Committee will be to evaluate and further develop OpenAI’s processes and safeguards over the next 90 days. At the conclusion of the 90 days, the Safety and Security Committee will share their recommendations with the full Board. Following the full Board’s review, OpenAI will publicly share an update on adopted recommendations in a manner that is consistent with safety and security.

安全与保障委员会的首要任务是在接下来的 90 天内评估并进一步完善 OpenAI 的流程和安全措施。90 天结束时,安全与保障委员会将向全体董事会分享他们的建议。在全体董事会审查后,OpenAI 将以符合安全和保障的方式公开分享采纳建议的更新。

OpenAI technical and policy experts Aleksander Madry (Head of Preparedness), Lilian Weng (Head of Safety Systems), John Schulman (Head of Alignment Science), Matt Knight (Head of Security), and Jakub Pachocki (Chief Scientist) will also be on the committee.

OpenAI 的技术和政策专家 Aleksander Madry(应急负责人)、Lilian Weng(安全系统负责人)、John Schulman(对齐科学负责人)、Matt Knight(安全负责人)和 Jakub Pachocki(首席科学家)也将加入委员会。

Additionally, OpenAI will retain and consult with other safety, security, and technical experts to support this work, including former cybersecurity officials, Rob Joyce, who advises OpenAI on security, and John Carlin.

此外,OpenAI 还将保留并咨询其他安全、保障和技术专家以支持这项工作,包括前网络安全官员 Rob Joyce(为 OpenAI 提供安全建议)和 John Carlin。



Bret Taylor

之前创造了 Google Maps,曾担任 Meta Facebook 的 CTO、Twitter 董事会主席以及 Salesforce 的联合首席执行官。现在他是 OpenAI 的主席和 Shopify 的董事会成员。

Adam D’Angelo

Quora 联合创始人兼 CEO,前 Facebook 首席技术官,OpenAI 和 Asana 董事会成员

Nicole Seligman

Nicole Seligman 是美国律师和公司董事。她曾在伊朗门听证会中为奥利弗·诺思中校辩护,并在总统弹劾审判中为比尔·克林顿总统辩护

Sam Altman



Aleksander Madry

OpenAI 的技术和政策专家

Lilian Weng

OpenAI 的安全系统负责人

John Schulman

OpenAI 的对齐科学负责人

Matt Knight

OpenAI 的安全负责人

Jakub Pachocki

OpenAI 的首席科学家

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