官宣跳票!OpenAIGPT-4o 语音功能延迟一个月推出

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原计划于六月底向一小部分 ChatGPT Plus 用户推出 alpha 版本,但我们需要再多一个月来确保我们达到发布的标准。例如,我们正在改进模型识别和拒绝某些内容的能力。同时,我们正在努力提升用户体验,并准备好扩展基础设施,以在保持实时响应的情况下满足数百万用户的需求。

作为迭代式部署策略的一部分,我们将从一小部分用户开始 alpha 测试,以收集反馈并根据所学到的知识进行扩展。我们计划在秋季为所有 Plus 用户提供使用权。确切的时间表取决于我们是否能满足高安全性和可靠性标准。同时,我们也在努力推出新视频和屏幕共享功能,会随时通知您相关时间表。

ChatGPT 的高级语音模式可以理解并带有情感和非语言线索进行回应,使我们更接近与 AI 进行实时、自然对话。我们致力于慎重地为您带来这些全新的体验。”

GPT-4o 语音功能没出来,延迟一个月,但OpenAI放出来一个适用于macOS的ChatGPT桌面应用

1、使用Option + 空格键可快速访问

目前适用于macOS 14+和Apple Silicon (M1或更新版本),Windows版今年晚些时候发布



“We're sharing an update on the advanced Voice Mode we demoed during our Spring Update, which we remain very excited about:

We had planned to start rolling this out in alpha to a small group of ChatGPT Plus users in late June, but need one more month to reach our bar to launch. For example, we’re improving the model’s ability to detect and refuse certain content. We’re also working on improving the user experience and preparing our infrastructure to scale to millions while maintaining real-time responses.

As part of our iterative deployment strategy, we'll start the alpha with a small group of users to gather feedback and expand based on what we learn. We are planning for all Plus users to have access in the fall. Exact timelines depend on meeting our high safety and reliability bar. We are also working on rolling out the new video and screen sharing capabilities we demoed separately, and will keep you posted on that timeline.

ChatGPT’s advanced Voice Mode can understand and respond with emotions and non-verbal cues, moving us closer to real-time, natural conversations with AI. Our mission is to bring these new experiences to you thoughtfully.”


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