如何用 ChatGPT 写东西,还不带机器味儿

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如何使用 ChatGPT 进行书写(但又不让文字听起来像 ChatGPT)




Jodie Cook 为教练和企业家介绍 ChatGPT 提示和 AI。


大多数 ChatGPT 编写的内容都有明显的迹象表明它是用 ChatGPT 编写的。如果您使用此生成式 AI 工具或任何其他 LLM(例如Claude 或 Gemini)制作任何类型的内容,您必须知道这些迹象是什么。如果您不发现它们,其他人就会发现。您的提示技巧将暴露,您的信息将被破坏。

无论您在写什么,无论您在提示什么,请在提示的末尾添加这几段。 呼吁 ChatGPT 遵守其 ChatGPT 主义,并简化您的内容以造福读者。 不被发现,继续创作艺术作品,当您找到有效的方法时,加倍努力。

提示添加以使 ChatGPT 编写的内容听起来不像 ChatGPT

这是提示添加,用于在给 ChatGPT 分配写作任务时使用。在描述生成内容所需的写作风格并设置任务和结构后,将其添加到提示的末尾。重新查看您过去的对话,看看它有多大的不同:

“输出内容应避免使用以下单词和短语,因为它们会泄露内容是用 LLM 编写的:


避免使用以下短语:“这不是关于X,而是关于Y”、“虽然X很重要,但Y更为关键”、“事实上”、“确实”、“绝对”、“显然”、“首先”、“其次”、“最后”、“结果”、“因此”、“因此”、“因此”、“因此”、“因此”、“换句话说”、“简单地说”、“也就是说”、“详细说明”、“例如”、“比如”、“例如”、“为了说明”、“虽然”、“尽管”、“尽管”、“尽管”、“尽管似乎”、“总而言之”、“综上所述”、“总而言之”、“总而言之”、“想象一下”、“假设”、“如果”、“您是否曾经想过”、“如果会发生什么”、“我们怎么能”、“难道这不是真的吗”、“您不同意吗”、“难道这不是显而易见的吗”、“不仅X而且Y”、“X和Y”、“要么 X 要么 Y”、“更重要的是”、“甚至更多”、“不太重要但是”、“一方面,另一方面”、“而 X,Y”、“相反”、“挑战是”、“关键问题是”、“问题仍然存在”。


编写 ChatGPT 内容而不让其听起来像 ChatGPT 的秘诀

为了让您的 ChatGPT 内容听起来不像是由人工智能编写的,请注意常见的短语和模式。有很多。通过更改提示并避免使用过度使用的单词和短语,您可以让您的写作看起来更原创、更自然,这样您就可以大量创作并找出您想要联系的人的共鸣。


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How To Write With ChatGPT (Without It Sounding Like ChatGPT)

Jodie Cook

Senior Contributor

Jodie Cook covers ChatGPT prompts & AI for coaches and entrepreneurs.


Aug 7, 2024,08:00am EDT


How to write with ChatGPT (without it sounding



Most ChatGPT-written content has giveaway signs it was written with ChatGPT. If you’re producing content of any kind with this generative AI tool, or any other LLM such as Claude or Gemini, you have to know what those telltale signs are. If you don’t spot them, other people will. Your prompting skills will be exposed and your message undermined.

Whatever you’re writing, however you’re prompting, add these few paragraphs to the end of your prompt. Call ChatGPT out on its ChatGPT-isms and simplify your content for the benefit of your reader. Go undetected, keep producing works of art, and when you find what works, double down.

The prompt addition to make ChatGPT-written content not sound like ChatGPT

Here’s the prompt addition, to use when giving ChatGPT a writing task. Add at the end of your prompt, after you’ve described the desired writing style of your generated content, and after you’ve set up the task and structure. Revisit your past conversations to see how much difference it makes:

“The output should avoid using the following words and phrases, because they are giveaway signs that the content was written with an LLM:

Avoid these words: Delve, landscape, evolving, context, insight, nuanced, perspective, paradigm, comprehensive, framework, facet, dynamic, intricacies, holistic, iterative, synergy, confluence, pivotal, nuance, robust, transformative, underpinning, spectrum, trajectory, in-depth, at the core of, a myriad of, on a broader scale, in the context of, from a holistic perspective, taking into account, a dynamic interplay, evolving over time, a comprehensive overview, intricacies involved, a pivotal role, underpinning principles, the spectrum of, transformative impact.

Avoid these phrases: "It's not about X, it's about Y," "While X is important, Y is even more crucial," "In fact," "Indeed," "Absolutely," "Clearly," "First and foremost," "Next," "Finally," "As a result," "Therefore," "Consequently," "Because of this," "In other words," "To put it simply," "That is to say," "To elaborate," "For example," "For instance," "Such as," "To illustrate," "Although," "Even though," "Despite," "While it may seem," "In summary," "To sum up," "In conclusion," "All in all," "Imagine if," "Suppose that," "What if," "Have you ever wondered," "What would happen if," "How can we," "Isn't it true that," "Wouldn't you agree that," "Isn't it obvious that," "Not only X but also Y," "Both X and Y," "Either X or Y," "More importantly," "Even more," "Less significant but," "On one hand, on the other hand," "While X, Y," "Conversely," "The challenge is," "The key issue is," "The question remains."

"Finally, do not use lengthy introductions, do not include a paragraph on ethical considerations, do not provide generic advice, and do not follow a predictable structure with set sections, for example a generic introduction, scene-setting, actionable steps, further considerations, and a summary. Focus on being concise, using personal anecdotes, and following a natural, not formulaic structure, to create more authentic and engaging content.”




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The secret to writing ChatGPT-written content without it sounding like ChatGPT

To make your ChatGPT content sound less like it was written by an AI, pay attention to the common phrases and patterns that give it away. There are many. By changing your prompts and avoiding the overused words and phrases described, you can make your writing seem more original and natural, so you can produce in volume and figure out what resonates with the people you’re trying to reach.

Don’t rely on AI, but don’t ignore it either. Make your writing better but keep your message clear and interesting without obvious AI signs. This prompt addition isn’t there to fool people, it’s there to provide more value. Save everyone time and get your message across in a more effective way. Don’t miss this step.

Follow me on LinkedIn. Check out my website or some of my other work here. 


Jodie Cook

如何使用 ChatGPT 进行书写(但又不让文字听起来像 ChatGPT)

Jodie Cook 为教练和企业家介绍 ChatGPT 提示和 AI。

大多数 ChatGPT 编写的内容都有明显的迹象表明它是用 ChatGPT 编写的。如果您使用此生成式 AI 工具或任何其他 LLM(例如Claude 或 Gemini)制作任何类型的内容,您必须知道这些迹象是什么。如果您不发现它们,其他人就会发现。您的提示技巧将暴露,您的信息将被破坏。

无论您在写什么,无论您在提示什么,请在提示的末尾添加这几段。 呼吁 ChatGPT 遵守其 ChatGPT 主义,并简化您的内容以造福读者。 不被发现,继续创作艺术作品,当您找到有效的方法时,加倍努力。

提示添加以使 ChatGPT 编写的内容听起来不像 ChatGPT

这是提示添加,用于在给 ChatGPT 分配写作任务时使用。在描述生成内容所需的写作风格并设置任务和结构后,将其添加到提示的末尾。重新查看您过去的对话,看看它有多大的不同:

“输出内容应避免使用以下单词和短语,因为它们会泄露内容是用 LLM 编写的:


避免使用以下短语:“这不是关于X,而是关于Y”、“虽然X很重要,但Y更为关键”、“事实上”、“确实”、“绝对”、“显然”、“首先”、“其次”、“最后”、“结果”、“因此”、“因此”、“因此”、“因此”、“因此”、“换句话说”、“简单地说”、“也就是说”、“详细说明”、“例如”、“比如”、“例如”、“为了说明”、“虽然”、“尽管”、“尽管”、“尽管”、“尽管似乎”、“总而言之”、“综上所述”、“总而言之”、“总而言之”、“想象一下”、“假设”、“如果”、“您是否曾经想过”、“如果会发生什么”、“我们怎么能”、“难道这不是真的吗”、“您不同意吗”、“难道这不是显而易见的吗”、“不仅X而且Y”、“X和Y”、“要么 X 要么 Y”、“更重要的是”、“甚至更多”、“不太重要但是”、“一方面,另一方面”、“而 X,Y”、“相反”、“挑战是”、“关键问题是”、“问题仍然存在”。



编写 ChatGPT 内容而不让其听起来像 ChatGPT 的秘诀

为了让您的 ChatGPT 内容听起来不像是由人工智能编写的,请注意常见的短语和模式。有很多。通过更改提示并避免使用过度使用的单词和短语,您可以让您的写作看起来更原创、更自然,这样您就可以大量创作并找出您想要联系的人的共鸣。


在LinkedIn上关注我 。 在这里查看 我的 网站 或我的其他作品 。 

How To Write With ChatGPT (Without It Sounding Like ChatGPT)

Most ChatGPT-written content has giveaway signs it was written with ChatGPT. If you’re producing content of any kind with this generative AI tool, or any other LLM such as Claude or Gemini, you have to know what those telltale signs are. If you don’t spot them, other people will. Your prompting skills will be exposed and your message undermined.

Whatever you’re writing, however you’re prompting, add these few paragraphs to the end of your prompt. Call ChatGPT out on its ChatGPT-isms and simplify your content for the benefit of your reader. Go undetected, keep producing works of art, and when you find what works, double down.

The prompt addition to make ChatGPT-written content not sound like ChatGPT

Here’s the prompt addition, to use when giving ChatGPT a writing task. Add at the end of your prompt, after you’ve described the desired writing style of your generated content, and after you’ve set up the task and structure. Revisit your past conversations to see how much difference it makes:

“The output should avoid using the following words and phrases, because they are giveaway signs that the content was written with an LLM:

Avoid these words: Delve, landscape, evolving, context, insight, nuanced, perspective, paradigm, comprehensive, framework, facet, dynamic, intricacies, holistic, iterative, synergy, confluence, pivotal, nuance, robust, transformative, underpinning, spectrum, trajectory, in-depth, at the core of, a myriad of, on a broader scale, in the context of, from a holistic perspective, taking into account, a dynamic interplay, evolving over time, a comprehensive overview, intricacies involved, a pivotal role, underpinning principles, the spectrum of, transformative impact.

Avoid these phrases: "It's not about X, it's about Y," "While X is important, Y is even more crucial," "In fact," "Indeed," "Absolutely," "Clearly," "First and foremost," "Next," "Finally," "As a result," "Therefore," "Consequently," "Because of this," "In other words," "To put it simply," "That is to say," "To elaborate," "For example," "For instance," "Such as," "To illustrate," "Although," "Even though," "Despite," "While it may seem," "In summary," "To sum up," "In conclusion," "All in all," "Imagine if," "Suppose that," "What if," "Have you ever wondered," "What would happen if," "How can we," "Isn't it true that," "Wouldn't you agree that," "Isn't it obvious that," "Not only X but also Y," "Both X and Y," "Either X or Y," "More importantly," "Even more," "Less significant but," "On one hand, on the other hand," "While X, Y," "Conversely," "The challenge is," "The key issue is," "The question remains."

"Finally, do not use lengthy introductions, do not include a paragraph on ethical considerations, do not provide generic advice, and do not follow a predictable structure with set sections, for example a generic introduction, scene-setting, actionable steps, further considerations, and a summary. Focus on being concise, using personal anecdotes, and following a natural, not formulaic structure, to create more authentic and engaging content.”

Read More

The secret to writing ChatGPT-written content without it sounding like ChatGPT

To make your ChatGPT content sound less like it was written by an AI, pay attention to the common phrases and patterns that give it away. There are many. By changing your prompts and avoiding the overused words and phrases described, you can make your writing seem more original and natural, so you can produce in volume and figure out what resonates with the people you’re trying to reach.

Don’t rely on AI, but don’t ignore it either. Make your writing better but keep your message clear and interesting without obvious AI signs. This prompt addition isn’t there to fool people, it’s there to provide more value. Save everyone time and get your message across in a more effective way. Don’t miss this step.

Follow me on LinkedIn. Check out my website or some of my other work here. 

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